The International College of Vilamoura is a reference school in private education in Portugal for international teaching. It offers high-quality education focused on the English and Portuguese languages. To clarify some issues, Algarve Real Estate has prepared an interview for you with the people in charge of the College…
Vilamoura International School-Video about the 30 Years
1 – What levels of education does the Vilamoura International School minister?
We accept students from 3 (Nursery Level, 3 years old group) to 18 years old (Cambridge International Examination A Level Program and Secondary Education).
2 – What documents / procedures are required to complete your registration at CIV?
Parents and guardians must fill in the application form (online) or request a meeting with the Pedagogic Director in order to be informed about our school mission, the Educational Project, the curricula and the internal rules. After the interview with the Pedagogic Director or with the School Coordinators, parents / guardians must deliver the following documents at the administrative services: identity cards, parents and students tax identification numbers , updated vaccine bulletin (students), last school assessment records and reports (if applicable) and medical statement (certificate of physical health). Other documents may be requested in specific situations (residences visa, passports, etc.).
3 – Which curricula are provided by CIV?
CIV provides two curricula: the national school curriculum (Nursery, Primary Education, Lower Secondary and Secondary Education), in the Portuguese Studies, and the Cambridge International Examination Curriculum, in the English Studies (Primary and Secondary School). Students attending the Portuguese Studies Program write the final tests and the national examinations. Regarding the Secondary Education, CIV offers two courses: Sciences and Technologies and Social-Economics Sciences. At Year 6 Primary and Year 9 Secondary, students must write the checkpoints. The Secondary School prepares the students for the International General Certificate of Secondary Education (IGSCE). This training begins at the Year 10 and the IGSCE exams are written at the Year 11. At Years 12 and 13, students write the Advance Subsidiary Level and the Advance Level, respectively. These examinations results, validated by the Ministry of Education and Science, are required if you want to apply to national and international universities.
4 – What are the priority areas according to CIV’s Educational Project?

The Educational Project focuses on the development of the cognitive skills (logical mathematical reasoning and linguistic skills in native and foreign languages) and socio- affective skills. Along these main areas, sports, artistic expressions (plastic arts, dance and music), philosophy for children and young people and the sciences are also very important for the Educational Project.
5 – What curriculum complementary areas are provided by CIV?
CIV offers a wide range of complementary activities: football school, tennis classes, music classes (piano, violin, etc.), ballet classes, yoga classes, karate and the Afterschool Program. In addition, every student starting from year 5 attends a thematic club: Golf, Tennis, Theatre, Dance, Music, Football, Basketball, Eco club and Arts. It is a curricular subject which contributes to the development of several intelligences (Gardner): kinesthetic, space-based, naturalistic, musical and intra and interpersonal intelligences and promote the harmony between the students of different ages (9-15 years old) attending distinct educational programs (Portuguese Studies e English Studies).
6 – What does the Afterschool Program consist of?
This program is designed for Primary Education students (up to year 4) and for those who stay at school after 04:05 p.m. The Afterschool Activities Project provides CIV’s students a rich and diversified program combining moments of study, research, individual and group organizations, with sports and leisure moments. This initiative complements the school educational activity and it is fully in line with the Educational Project. The different educational spaces aim the development of the cognitive, socio-affective and cultural abilities. CIV promotes the academic and human excellence among students, through the Art, Science, Philosophy, Literature, Sports and Information and Communication Technologies.
7 – What’s the International Education?
The international education involves an international curriculum and an educational project, based on an approach of comprehension and reciprocity. It is a pedagogic context where each member of the educational community learns to be in a group with the rest of the school’s community, while keeping the personal view, beliefs and feelings. At CIV autonomy, cooperation, solidarity, volunteering, critical spirit are encouraged, as well as the values of democracy, based on the respect for difference, human diversity and originality.
8 – What nationalities are CIV’s students?
CIV’s students have many origins, they come from four continents, including in the recent years, between twenty and forty different nationalities. The atmosphere here is multicultural and multilingual.
9 – Can students be admitted in the middle of the school year?
Yes, students are welcome to start at any time, provided that they comply with all the requirements and that they have set for the entrance examinations, required for the degree program that the student wishes to attend. However starting from the beginning of the school year benefits the student’s integration and the acquisition of key competences.
10 – Is CIV an inclusive school?
Yes, CIV integrates children with special educational needs, focusing on the importance of cooperation between schools and families, respecting the special conditions negotiated with families according to each children needs.
11- Which foreign languages can we learn at CIV?
CIV invests in early foreign and native language learning. Today, Portuguese, English and Mandarin are part of the Nursery and Primary Education curriculum; French, English and Portuguese start from Lower Secondary and it is still possible to attend Russian, Mandarin and German classes as extracurricular activities.
12 – What kind of support does the school provide to students attending the English Curriculum if they do not completely master the language?
Every student with little or no previous knowledge of English attending the English Curriculum has English classes, from the Primary School, as an Additional Language (EAL). This subject consists of applying a Language Proficiency Development which will help students following the English Curriculum.
13 – What is the school’s position regarding homework?
We believe homework helps to reinforce and supplement the work done in class, particularly with regard to the reading, writing and mathematics skills.
14 – Is the uniform mandatory?
Yes, wearing the uniform is required for all the students, from Nursery by the end of the Lower Secondary Education, in the Portuguese Studies, and from Nursery by the end of the year 10, in the English Studies. Students attending Secondary School (years 11, 12 and 13) don’t need uniform, even though they are expected to dress in an appropriate and respective way.
15 – Does CIV provide transportation services?
Yes, the school offers several transportation circuits (Loulé/Almancil, Olhão/Faro, Vilamoura, Albufeira, Messines). Routes are reviewed and updated on an annual basis, according to the users needs. This service is available every day, during the academic periods.
16 – Has CIV got a canteen?
Yes, CIV has got a canteen and a kitchen. Lunches are served by a professional company, which prepares complete meals everyday (soap, meat or fish dishes, desert, bread and water). The menu and the nutritional values are presented on the monthly menus.
17 -Has CIV got a psychology office?
Yes. School’s psychology office play an important role in the school’s everyday life. Among its services, it is worth mentioning the evaluation, diagnostic, students’ orientation, psychologic support and school and professional guidance. Regarding the official evaluations, in the case of minor’s students, a written authorization from their parents/legal tutors is required.
18 – Can students attending English Studies apply for admission to Portuguese universities?
Yes. Students intending to apply for admission to university education in Portugal must require an equivalence certificate, at the end of the Year 13, according to current legislation (MEC Portaria nº 224/2006 de 8 de março). CIV supports students during all the equivalence process.
In addition to the diploma of Secondary Education, students must request the approval of the disciplines attended, which will be used as national entrance examinations during the Portuguese University application process (Artigo 20-A do decreto-lei 296- A/98 de 25 de Setembro). Therefore, they can apply for admission in the same circumstances as the students attending the Portuguese Studies.
In Portugal, in some universities, several courses have been internationalized, so classes can be delivered in English which correspond to CIV’s student’s profile.
19 – Can students attending Portuguese Studies apply for admission to international universities?
Yes. Students attending the Secondary National Education can apply for admission to the international universities. As each international university presents such a different appliance process, it is advisable that students initiate steps from the “11.º ano” (Year 11).
Our school has an agreement with the Careers Adviser and it guides students throughout the process (recommendation letters, motivation letters, equivalences and examinations required, linguistic proficiency exams, interviews, etc.). Nowadays there are in some countries an academic fees exemption system available for European Union?s students.
The College of Vilamoura is equipped with five buildings with classroom, laboratory, equipped library with thousands of books, audiovisual room, cafeteria, stationery, snack bar, changing rooms, gardens, indoor sports halls, artificial turf sports field, basketball field, playground.